Five of Pentacles

Known also as the Lord of Material Trouble and aligned with Mercury in Five of PentaclesTaurus, the Five of Pentacles represents fears relating to survival and events which affect our financial security that seemingly are out of our control. The number Five introduces instability and uncertainty to matters, and the Suit of Pentacles refers to material security and also to the body and health. Communication, symbolised by Mercury, seems to be stifled when in the sign of the solid, immovable Taurus. The road away from this impasse is to foster clear and open communication with those from whom you need co-operation the most. Traditionally this card refers to theft and losses, and if this is your experience then it is a sign that you are not acknowledging and allowing your inner wealth to flow. If you believe in scarcity and lack, then you will find evidence for it in the outside world and unfortunately there are always those around who will play out this role for you and prove you right. It is a time when spiritual lack will be reflected in material lack, and the normal optimism that can normally be mustered seems to have disappeared. Energy is low, dreams are lost and faith seems like a fruitless task. If you think of this time as a dip in energies and a low point, then you also know that the pendulum will swing up again, and soon. Energy can not wallow in the depths for long, by its nature it must be on the upswing again. There may be temporary hardships, so do not enter into any new or binding arrangements - it is time to simplify your material world which will ease the pressure off your shoulders. The process referred to by this card refers to the nigredo stage of the alchemists who sought to turn base metal into gold. The energy must be condensed before it can be transformed into the sought after treasure. What does this mean to you and me? At this stage the dense emotions and dark thoughts are merely the unconscious forces coalescing and gathering their power in order to produce a breakthrough and ultimately, an enlightened stage of growth. Image from "Shadowscapes Tarot"  © Stephanie Puiman-Law.