Page of Wands

Page of WandsThe Page of Wands is also known as the Princess of the Shining Flame and the Rose of the Palace of Fire and represents freedom from fear, new beginnings, travel and messages from afar.

When this Page appears in a reading, there is a quickening of the pace of life and a feeling of excitement that something new is about to break through. When we let go of our fears, we leave room for joy and our natural spark to return and enliven us.

There is passion, fire, enthusiasm, joy and trust in the world and in the future. Remember a time when you were truly fearless and recall how much energy and life you experienced - that is again possible for you now.

When we understand that fear is a construct of the mind, it is something we invent to keep us safe in our secure little world, then we can also understand that we can make a new choice of focus.

Is it scary? You might say yes, it certainly feels that way!

But don't mistake fear for excitement and anticipation. It takes the same amount of energy to be scared as it does to be enthused and the thing that most people don't realise is that they get to choose.

And the Page of Wands, being full of the new energy of Fire, arrives to tell you that transformation of limiting fear into liberating action is the key to mastering your life. Traditionally there is new energy available for pursuing travel, putting new ideas into action, and making new acquaintances.

There is a swiftness to events that come up for you now, there is an increase in conversations, letters, emails and social events. When referring to a child, this Page would be a creative young individual, gifted and spirited, often a Fire Sign or one with prominent Fire characteristics - Aries, Leo or Sagittarius.

Restlessness and dissatisfaction with current routines and habits are just precursors to the changes coming on the wind for you, so don't feel that life is too dull just now.

Often the signs that a big change is on its way is just the feelings of listlessness and ennui.

What inspires you?

Image from "Shadowscapes Tarot" © 2010 Stephanie Puiman-Law