The High Priestess is the Priestess of the Silver Star and is ruled by The Moon. She represents deep intuitive states and knowledge, and she sits between the two pillars which are the the doorway to the unconscious.
The Moon is seen in most cultures as a feminine symbol - she is unreliable, changeable and given to moods both dark and light. It represents knowledge that is hidden, and which must only be revealed at the right time and in the proper measure. Seeking certain knowledge that should not be sought often ends badly and this is usually because the seeker is out of touch with his intuitive nature, his inner guide.
The Moon is also tied in with creating and uncreating, so that what is desired is sought on the waxing moon and what is not wanted is banished on the waning phase. The Moon also represents memory or the Moon Mind, which is tied in to the ancestral memories and legacies. It is therefore also the collective unconscious and the group mind.
When The High Priestess appears in a reading it is a sign that your intuition is trying to tell you something - you can learn now to read the symbols of her messages in order to enrich your life. Notice what feelings come up for you in the coming weeks, what hunches present themselves and what happens when you follow them.
The lesson of the Priestess is of differentiation, knowing what is inner knowledge and what is conscious desire - it is sometimes a very fine distinction and yet it is important for you to know the one from the other. Otherwise you may fall into the trap of thinking that what you consciously desire is your guidance system, but the habits of consciously deciding what you should do tends to dull and drown out the small still inner voice that will never let you down. You just have to be quiet and still and humble enough to take notice of it. Once your intuition understands that you are paying attention and following its guidance, it will grow stronger and be more useful to you.
Start by following your hunches, paying attention to your dreams, and asking for guidance before you go to sleep at night. Notice what happens when you follow your internal guidance and what happens when you take action based on reasoning and conscious thinking - you will soon learn which one is the most useful to you.
Meditation near water is beneficial to you now, if you can't meditate near water then play some music that has the sound of rivers, streams, rain, waterfalls or the ocean in it and notice how you feel afterwards. Image High Priestess © Thomas Dodd