Eight of Pentacles

Eight of PentaclesThe Eight of Pentacles is aligned with the Sun in Virgo and represents practical wisdom, organisation and carefulness, and is also known as the Lord of Prudence. The Sun is the life force and placed in Virgo it bestows a steadiness, and willingness to patiently and lovingly work towards one's goals.

This card represents balance, and it is a mature balance that has come after hard work and care. There has been time spent on skills and knowledge that has built a solid foundation that sets you up for a comfortable future. This card tells you there is no easy road to riches, however by the diligent and faithful willingness to develop your skills and put in the work, then you will reap the rewards.

There has been a long slow awakening of your potential and what this brings to enrich your life will soon become apparent. A lot has been going on under the surface and while you may have felt frustrated in the past with an apparent lack of progress in your life, there has been much developing and growing on an inner level. Dreams may be instructive or disturbing, or full of activity, while the outer life has been plodding away and lacking in excitement. Don't be fooled by this as there are many rewards that are being set up for you in your future.

A card that calls for faith and ultimate patience, there may be an element of boredom or a lack of excitement in your life, but while its influence lasts it is certain that good things will come to you from this time of internal shuffling, building and reorganising.  It is also a card that indicates money will be spent and money will come in - you have to spend money to earn money, and money loves to be put to use in this way.

Now is not the time to fritter away your resources, become impatient or hurried along by others It is said that all good things take time, and so it is for you now. Plod along, pay attention to the little details and go over everything twice if need be - your careful approach will pay dividends.

Often there are new skills to be learned, or a deepening and mastery of existing skills - be sure that you engage in activities that are pleasing to you and that you naturally are suited to. Don't force any results, be patient and you will succeed.

Image from "Deviant Moon Tarot"  ©  Patrick Valenza