Five of Swords

Five of SwordsKnown also as the Lord of Defeat, and aligned with Venus in Aquarius, the Five of Swords represents discord, anxiety and failure. Venus is the yearning towards love and connection, and Aquarius tends more towards detachment and looking at a bigger picture which is more objective than intimate. Poor Venus!

There is a fear of losing something precious and of losing control of a situation. The Fives always introduce instability to the perfect harmony that was realised in the Fours, and yet without the movement forward as it were, there would be no progress.

Something of the previously realised harmony must be destroyed in order to bring in the new, in order to experience growth, and life is always seeking more growth - it is nature. And just as in nature, forms must break down and dissipate before they can regenerate into something new and improved.

And so there must be a reorganisation of energies before the new way of being can settle and become tolerable. Sometimes you will be required to cut your losses and salvage what can be salvaged so you can live to fight another day. You will emerge from this situation much wiser and with a new determination to succeed.

There is an indication that your thinking has been faulty - what you believed to be true was not what it seemed, and when what you thought was real dissolves into the fog, you are left feeling somewhat dejected and betrayed. You can be thankful that this has happened now, and so gives you the opportunity to progress further along the right path for you without such distractions.

The good news is that the sooner you move through this and start focusing on the good ahead, the sooner these feelings will pass. The Swords are always about your use of the power of your mind, and when you understand that you control your thoughts and can therefore shape your future from your thoughts, you will be little concerned with such hiccups in the road.

Despite the fact that this card can represent a difficult time, still it heralds progress and movement away from difficulties - look ahead to where you are going and what is important in your future plans.

"You can take from every experience what it has to offer you. And you cannot be defeated if you just keep taking one breath followed by another."- Oprah Winfrey

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