Four of Pentacles

Known also as the Lord of Earthly Power, and aligned with the Sun in Four of PentaclesCapricorn, the Four of Pentacles represents power and manifestation.

The Sun is the centre of the ego, and in earthy Capricorn it bestows material confidence, responsibility and resourcefulness. It is also concerned with knowing your limits, and setting appropriate boundaries which are the road to your success in material concerns.

It can also warn against being too guarded with your resources - to keep the energies flowing with your material resources, then you need to appreciate that what you want to increase has to be allowed to flow through you, and not be hoarded.

With that in mind, this time is a time of financial increase and a promise of future comfort and improved material circumstances.

This card advises you to be a good custodian of resources, and to ensure they grow to ensure your future comfort. T

raditionally this card can indicate a promotion at work or consolidation of a career move that results in more income over time - it is not a momentous increase but you can expect a degree of security which helps you in terms of long range planning.

In terms of health, this card warns against too much rigidity and clinging on to what you perceive as security, because this rigidity does not allow life to flow - when life does not flow as it is meant to, then there is a termination of the ability to learn by experience, and whatever in nature does not grow will atrophy and eventually cease to be.

Therefore be aware of a tendency to be fearful of taking risks - risks do not have to mean recklessness, as calculated risks are a sign of maturity and ensure positive learning and growth. The funny thing about holding on too tightly to things can also mean that those things are holding too tightly onto us.

Image "Four of Pentacles" Stephanie Puiman-Law