The Justice card is also referred to as the Daughter of Lords of Truth and Ruler of the Balance. It is ruled by Libra the Scales (so no surprises here) and calls for the need to weigh decisions or our way of showing up in the world - the need for balance between spiritual, emotional and intellectual concerns.
Often represented by the Egyptian Goddess Maat, who was tasked with weighing the souls of the dead against a feather to determine their truthfulness and worthiness to pass into the Underworld, this card represents duality and the fine acuity needed to make choices in life that are congruent with our essential nature.
When this card is drawn to determine one's life purpose, it would indicate that somehow we are challenged to find a balance or midpoint between extremes, where we may feel torn between opposite ways of being and doing. There is a question of fairness, and what is right contrasted against what we feel would serve us and provide us an advantage.
Sometimes the easy choice is not the right one, and from our moral training we know this, but still we are torn between the easy road and what we have been taught is right. Which side will win?
The Justice card can refer to the legal profession, the cold clarity and detachment required to make an unbiased decision. But this attitude can cause a conflict in one's life, because as humans we are flesh and blood and not designed to be impartial. We are passionate, flawed and prone to errors. So there is also a need for balance within Justice - the acuity to be neither too detached, nor too over-involved.
Justice is portrayed as blind - not swayed by the appearance of a situation that can play on the emotions and therefore alter the outcome when considered from a purely factual judgement.
Your task is to find your true centre, and not to be blown by the winds of circumstance and folly. Until then, you will swing from one extreme to the other, learning and failing and succeeding, until you become aware of that still point in your life that provides true balance, where you will find peace and become the centre of your own universe.
'Ius suumcuique tribuit' - 'Justice gives each his due'.
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