Nine of Cups

Nine of CupsThe Nine of Cups is known as the Wish Card and the Lord of Material Happiness, and is aligned with Jupiter in Pisces. Jupiter is expansion and Pisces represents the deepest emotional connections - this combination delivers a feeling of satisfying fulfillment, and deep and utter emotional happiness.

What a welcome card to turn up in a reading!

The Cups, being Feeling cards and concerned with the Heart and Emotions, always show us the way to a successful life - the key to a successful life is a measure of one's happiness and one's happiness is connected to the emotions that we habitually go to.

When the Nine of Cups arrives, it is to indicate our emotions are going through a sublime transformation, we feel and believe and will therefore eventually see that we can have our heart's desire.

The purpose of the Cups and especially the Nine, is to show you that when you are able to connect to deep levels of emotional happiness, you connect to the wellspring of life. Once you can learn to reconnect to this feeling when things are not so rosy, then you will always be okay.

Traditionally, the Nine of Cups heralds the granting of your most heartfelt wish, and is a cause for joy and celebration. Irritations, jealousies, misunderstandings - all are forgotten and as nothing because when you achieve your most cherished wishes then all the world glows and you glow with it.

The benefit of your good fortune and feeling flows outwards onto those who are close to you and all is right in the world. You now can connect to bliss and your blessings, so take the opportunity to anchor these positive feelings that will serve to line your future wellbeing and happiness.

Most people think that happiness has to happen from outside circumstances, but once you have felt the influence of the Nine of Cups as an inside job, you will always have a wellspring of happiness that you can draw on for the rest of your life.

And so, when you start to understand that the Heart is a more complex emotional organ than the brain, you really begin to live.

Image from "Shadowscapes Tarot" Stephanie Puiman-Law