Seven of Swords

Known as the Lord of Unstable Effort, and aligned with the energy of Moon in Aquarius, the Seven of Swords represents discouragement, despondency and negative thought patterns that become entrenched. Since Aquarius has a tendency to Seven of Swordsbe analytical and scientific even, and the Moon is instinctual and emotional and not really rational, then Aquarius will have the poor Moon convinced that if things aren't going well then they're just going to get worse before they get better.

The clarity inherent in the Suit of Swords is weakened by a multitude of daggers that represent pessimistic thoughts, and a kind of hopelessness that nobody can talk you out of. It's as if you can no longer remember that everything, no matter how bad, always has the potential to get better, and since change is constant you can pretty much bet that your situation will improve.

Anxiety, which is a negative habit of living in the future, takes hold and even though you do not know for sure that what you worry about will ever eventuate, your thoughts continue to feed off each other and soon your internal dialogue has convinced you that it can only get worse.

What you need to do now more than anything is to understand that your thoughts are not based on reality, they are the result of the filter you are viewing things through at the moment. Once you realise that you are the one who is placing limits on yourself, you can drop that activity as you will see it for what it is - fear.

A good question to ask when fear and anxiety arise is - What if instead of Stop! fear really meant Go (for it!). There is a saying that FEAR stands for False Evidence Appearing Real and that is the case here. But no-one, and especially not me, can tell you that. You need to find it out for yourself.

Traditionally this card points to treachery from others, and this is possible because you are not really paying attention to what is going on around you, so caught up in your thought patterns as you are.

Really this card points to new ideas, patterns and changes that you are resisting on a deep level and so that is why you can see this time as a time of suffering and being subject to the actions of others - don't be a victim to this, examine in what areas you need to update and reboot your thinking - the sooner you do this, the sooner you will be able to move on to a new and more enlightening phase in your life.

Image "Seven of Swords" from