Six of Pentacles

hidden-realm-6-of-pentaclesAligned with the Moon in Taurus, the Six of Pentacles indicates success and transformation, material gains and being in a position to share your resources with others.

This card is also known as "The Lord of Material Success". The Moon represents intuition, cyclical changes and a deep satisfaction and awareness, while Taurus offers accomplishment, productivity and tangible benefits.

You have been working hard and now is the time to reward yourself, so that you are willing and able to carry on building and growing what you have begun.

This card tells you that by experiencing and sharing gratitude, you will experience emotional riches as well, which have been somewhat lacking lately.

Money withheld and gifts will now flow to you as this Six is a card of kindness and generosity. Balance is restored and the Universe provides to those who know how to ask - not with pleading, a sense of lack, a demand for one's entitlement, but with grace, gratitude and faith that there is always enough.

Help is offered from high places, so be on the lookout for this over the next six weeks. The lesson in this card is that through discipline, flexibility, striving from the heart, being authentic to yourself, communicating your desires clearly, and putting your passion and energy behind it all, you cannot but succeed.

Your success will first be felt on a deep level, a knowing in your core self, and only then will you begin to see the outward signs. What really motivates and inspires you? Therein lies the key to your true success!

Image "Six of Pentacles" from Tarot of the Hidden Realm © Barbara Moore, Julia Jeffrey