The Ten of Cups is also referred to as the Lord of Perfected Success and is aligned with Mars in Pisces. It represents satisfaction, completeness, trust in abundance and happiness of the heart. This is one of those cards that everyone wishes to see in their reading , and indeed it is the ultimate symbol of love and happiness that is ongoing and not transient. There is happiness at home and in your close personal relationships. You are content, or soon will be. The Ten of Cups is more than just happiness, it is deep emotional contentment that glows outward from within, like you have a little furnace of happiness in your heart. Mars brings vitality and vibrancy and in Pisces that vitality flows and radiates tranquilly and permeates everything around you. When you reach this state of inner contentment, there is very little that can happen out there in the world that can derail your sense of peace and calmness. Have you ever noticed when you are truly happy that everyone around you seems to 'catch' it? That is the power of love and peace when it is really integrated in the person. It is true love, as reflected in the faces of those we love, that connects us in a deep way to our own Souls. If you are not yet experiencing the love and contentment embodied in this card, then the message is to keep pursuing your goals and desires because they are worth it - your future happiness is something that you then confidently aspire to and anticipate. You can look forward to happy events with family and friends, there is much to be thankful for, and gratitude goes hand in hand with the peace and happiness that you will experience, and will extend it even more to those around you. “At some point, you gotta let go, and sit still, and allow contentment to come to you.” ― Elizabeth Gilbert, Eat, Pray, Love Image from "Fenestra Tarot" © Chatriya Hemharnvibul