The Wheel of Fortune is one of the cards of the Tarot that is greeted with excitement and anticipation when it turns up in a reading. Surely it means that your luck is about to change for the better, doesn't it? The Wheel of Fortune is also called the Lord of the Forces of Life and ruled by Jupiter. The forces of life are not always apparently positive. life demands that sometimes we are on the rise, on the way up, and at other times we are on the decline, or on the way down. It's a little bit like our energy - we can't always be bouncing along full of energy, motivation and fun. Sometimes we need to be quiet and still, regathering our energy to go at it another day. Jupiter is also often greeted with enthusiasm, being the planet of luck and increase. But it is also sometimes indicative of overdoing it - especially in the good things in life. So it very much depends on your attitude and where you are on the Wheel at present. This card in general indicates a positive change in circumstances where things really start to go your way, especially if you have been struggling and striving and working hard to make a difference in your life - you are about to make a positive and lucky breakthrough. And because life is also about ups and downs, triumphs and disappointments, it can also indicate that from a position of riding high on the Wheel, there will also be times when you need to traverse the bottom of the Wheel as well, and this indicates a time to regather your strength and pool your resources in readiness to return to the top of the Wheel when the time comes. There are circumstances and individuals that will appear in your life that boost your creativity, your output and will also surprise you with their unexpected but not unwelcome nature. It can also indicate someone coming into your life that expands your view and causes you to expand your life in unexpected but beneficial directions.
Image from "Mystic Faerie Tarot" © Linda Ravenscroft