Four of Pentacles

Four of Pentacles

Known also as the Lord of Earthly Power, the Four of Pentacles is aligned with Sun in Capricorn. The Sun is the life force, the ego and what is also one's essence, while Capricorn represents achievement, social responsibility and capricious use of resources. This combination has us associate with achievements, both tangible and those that are not so obvious. Four is a foundational number, and a number of consolidation and so it represents the gathering of material resources - money, recognition, property and other tangible goods. It is a time when you can feel pleased with having made material progress and with the evidence of your efforts in the rewards you can see and touch. The danger with this card is that of clinging too tightly to what you have accumulated. When resources are gathered and not circulated, it causes a stagnation in energy and so what you have worked so hard to achieve will either be frittered away or hoarded and be of no use to you or to anyone else. In order to grow our resources, we have to put them to work and this is something you need to consider in your future if you want peace of mind and happiness. Sometimes we make the mistake of equating our possessions with our own sense of self-value and esteem, and if this occurs then we can put material priorities ahead of personal and family priorities. No matter how much we accumulate, somehow it is never enough unless we have a solid sense of our own innate worth. This time is a great opportunity to do some inner...
Eight of Pentacles

Eight of Pentacles

The Eight of Pentacles is aligned with the Sun in Virgo and represents practical wisdom, organisation and carefulness, and is also known as the Lord of Prudence. The Sun is the life force and placed in Virgo it bestows a steadiness, and willingness to patiently and lovingly work towards one's goals. This card represents balance, and it is a mature balance that has come after hard work and care. There has been time spent on skills and knowledge that has built a solid foundation that sets you up for a comfortable future. This card tells you there is no easy road to riches, however by the diligent and faithful willingness to develop your skills and put in the work, then you will reap the rewards. There has been a long slow awakening of your potential and what this brings to enrich your life will soon become apparent. A lot has been going on under the surface and while you may have felt frustrated in the past with an apparent lack of progress in your life, there has been much developing and growing on an inner level. Dreams may be instructive or disturbing, or full of activity, while the outer life has been plodding away and lacking in excitement. Don't be fooled by this as there are many rewards that are being set up for you in your future. A card that calls for faith and ultimate patience, there may be an element of boredom or a lack of excitement in your life, but while its influence lasts it is certain that good things will come to you from this...
Eight of Pentacles

Eight of Pentacles

Known also as the Lord of Prudence, and aligned with the Sun in Virgo, the Eight of Pentacles represents wisdom, care and flowering internal and external richness. This card refers to the beginning of an undertaking, one that requires a delicate touch and a lot of nurturing for it to come to fruition. When one begins a new enterprise, it is important to keep the details to yourself and not tell all and sundry about what you will do and how wonderful it will be. This is a dissipation of the delicate energy of creation which needs protection and not the opinions and doubts of others to crush it. Wait until the idea has solidified on the physical plane before spreading it's seed around. As this card is an Eight, it is the higher octave of the foundational Four, which gives stability and success. So at this stage, the creation is a higher vibration, and more delicate in its conception and execution. It is the card of the apprentice, who is learning a new skill and must practice to refine it. It is an ability that has been discovered and needs development. Often this comes later in life, when it may come as a surprise to have discovered a new interest. An opportunity to expand and increase your skills is possible now, bringing the opportunity for practical gain. After a period of confusion and disillusionment, there is now such clarity and purpose that you are keen to get moving on a project that has opened up for you. You have ideas and enthusiasm to create and grow. An opportunity for...
Ace of Pentacles

Ace of Pentacles

The Ace of Pentacles is also referred to as the Root of the Powers of Earth and represents Spring, material success, wholeness and stability. There is a new phase in appreciation of material riches and what that could mean to you and your plans. As a matter of fact, financial improvements are indicated on all levels. You are able to put your powers of manifestation into practice, so that by demonstrating faith in abundance and plenty, you find evidence of it all around you. Practical achievements are highlighted, so if you have been working hard to get ahead or get noticed, then this card is a sign that this will happen for you soon. If you have been feeling scattered emotionally and all at sea, then this card brings  a welcome sense of stability, security and safety. Relationships begun now will flourish and be long standing, so pay attention to new acquaintances and make  it your business to nourish your relationships as they will bring lasting pleasure. The Aces bring an upsurge of new energy and are the most potent card of any Suit. It brings the potential for realisation of new creations and indicates you should have the resources to bring to reality what you have been creating in the recesses of your mind. Still, it will take patience, persistence and faith to bring in what you have imagined and just like a fragile seed waiting in the dark for the right combination of moisture, light and heat, so your idea will take the same care and mix of circumstances for success to occur. Money becomes available for...
Ace of Pentacles

Ace of Pentacles

Known also as the Root of the Powers of Earth, the Ace of Pentacles is a burst of material energy and success. It represents the grounding of the body, providing a stable housing for the Soul to shine. It is a focus on good works and commitment that bring financial success. The Aces always shine with potential, and the Ace of Pentacles is the potential for growth on the material plane. It is a positive sign for anything you wish to gain in the physical sphere, whether that is money, health, contracts, inheritance  or property. A new phase is opening up for you, where the possibilities in creating a stable base that will support all areas of your life are now appearing for you. Old ways of relating to your finances, health and home are moving beyond your concern now, and you are becoming more competent and caring in what importance the physical comforts in life can afford you and yours. There is a need to start planning and seeing further into your material needs down the track. It is not about being obsessive about finances, not at all. It is being aware of where you want to be in 1, 5 and 10 years time, and starting to accustom yourself to what you need to have in place in order to move forward in comfort. Life will always throw a curve ball every now and then, and when you have a solid material base to relax back into, it makes all the difference in the world. If there was ever a time when you can set yourself up...
Ace of Pentacles

Ace of Pentacles

Known as the Root of the Powers of Earth, the Ace of Pentacles brings an enormous amount of potential and energy, as do all the Aces. Being of the Element of Earth, it is concerned with material, tangible things, as well as the activities surrounding manifesting what is currently unmanifest. This Ace signifies inner and outer riches, the marriage of body and soul, material and spirit.It represents wholeness, and that all the resources you need to realise this wholeness are at hand. This card tells you to be aware and awake to the richness surrounding you - not just in coins but in friendships, ideas, creativity, opportunity and love. This is a great time to set yourself up for future prosperity and wellbeing. Good fortune, contentment and comfort are all indicated and there are no strings attached either. The Ace of Pentacles is an indication that you are ready to realise your true worth at the very deepest levels instead of looking for evidence and confirmaton of it outside of yourself. And the funny thing is, once you can recognise your value on an inner level, it cannot but show up in the world. Traditionally, this card indicates an abundance of health, productivity, happiness and peace knowing that you are secure. The next twelve months is a fabulous time to secure your future - be on the lookout for an opportunity coming your way that has great potential for fulfillment so don't let it pass you by. This is not a promise of financial security, but it does indicate you have the opportunity to take advantage of the energy...