Two of Pentacles

Two of Pentacles

The Two of Pentacles is the Lord of Harmonious Change and is aligned with the energy of Jupiter in Capricorn. It represents the need for balance, organisation and small victories. Jupiter is the planet of expansion and yet Capricorn acts to put the breaks on this expansion somewhat. There is a real desire and possibility to make great progress, but one must be prepared to dot the i's and cross the t's so that any progress is secured into the future. And so there is a need to juggle resources, as there seems to be plenty at the same time there is lack. This card asks you to develop the ability to fine tune your attention and manage your resources well so that you cover all requirements even if it means you need to spread those resources thinly. Don't worry, it is only for a short time and if you manage this successfully then you will certainly have more success in the future. One cannot look at this card and not be reminded of a sense of fun and lightness with this card - even though the girl is juggling the pentacles she is doing so with a sense of carefree abandon. She is not weighed down by her task and neither should you be. Use a light touch, don't take it all too seriously but deal with it and get it done for the best outcome. The juggler has skill, dexterity and focus. In which area of life are you finding the need for balance? It may be your health, your finances, your career or even your place...
Two of Pentacles

Two of Pentacles

Known also as the Lord of Harmonious Change, and aligned with Jupiter in Capricorn, the Two of Pentacles represents balancing resources and the constancy of change. Jupiter brings luck and expansion, not only materially but also expanded interests and understanding. Placed in Capricorn it means you will experience more stability and security because of additional resources that come to you. There is a need to seek balance in your life, which means that you are trying to do too much of one thing and too little of something else, otherwise you are trying to do everything equally well. Something has to give. A lack of balance in your outer life is a sure sign that there is an imbalance in your inner life. Taking quiet time for yourself to regain your equilibrium is advised - try meditation or going for a long walk in the woods or along the beach. It will restore your inner sense of peace and tranquility. There are financial fluctuations indicated,  leading to you seek to supplement your current income with a secondary source. You may also be offered an opportunity to earn a modest supplement to your income. This card often appears when we have been resisting change because we relate it to a threat to our security. Sometimes what we have become accustomed to is no longer good for us, yet we stick with it because at least it is familiar. And still we resist change, thinking it must be bad because we don't understand it. It is a reality based on fear. But you need to step out into the unknown sometimes,...
Three of Pentacles

Three of Pentacles

Known also as the Lord of Material Works, and ruled by Mars in Capricorn, the Three of Pentacles represents hard work, progress and the creation of beautiful things.  Mars is concerned with energy and drive, while Capricorn is tied to the permanence of things of value and approaching tasks with a sense of responsibility and tenacity. This card requires you to get clear on your commitments, priorities and focus. There is work to do, but because this work has a clear direction and outcome, then success is assured as long as you are prepared to put in the required sweat and tears. You are called to be very clear on your direction, what you want to achieve, what has meaning and heart for you, not just something that you can do to earn a living or to kill time. There is an aspect of the artisan here, the work that you produce has the capacity to live on beyond you and must be of the highest quality. The Three refers to the synchronicity of mind, heart and action, and when these three elements come together in your enterprise then you will have such clarity about your purpose that nothing can stop you. This card turns up now to tell you that this is possible for you now, so don't give up if the going appears to be tough. There is  increase, whether financial or of recognition and prestige (which can eventually amount to the same thing) as you are building upon your past efforts. This will serve to encourage you to continue your efforts, as you are a long way...
Three of Pentacles

Three of Pentacles

Known also as the Lord of Material Works, and aligned with Mars in Capricorn, the Three of Pentacles represents commitment to your stated desire, willingness to invest effort in the knowledge that it will be rewarded and respect for your abilities. Mars is energy and drive, while Capricorn brings focus and achievement to the mix. This card advises that if you bring your whole being to the task at hand - your body, mind and spirit - that you will achieve what you are striving towards. It will take effort however, but you have the skills and drive to make it a reality. There are constructive gains indicated by this card, and yet it is not the end of the story. Any success or achievement you experience now is merely the foundations of a more long term success and stability. You are on the road to creating something that in time you will look back on with pride and a sense of having earned what you have accomplished. Since hard work and dedication are required, make sure what you are dedicating your energy to has heart and meaning for you. When you love your work it is not work. When you would willingly do your work and not be paid a penny for it, then you are getting the idea. I am not saying you should work for free, far from it, but since this card requires true dedication without having your eye on the clock or on your paycheck, then it is worth doing work that you know makes a difference and is a credit to you. Be...
Four of Pentacles

Four of Pentacles

The Four of Pentacles is the Lord of Power and it carries the energy of the Sun in Capricorn. It refers to earthly power, character and security. Sun in Capricorn brings consolidation, focus on security and status, and can also be fear of loss of financial security. There is much energy spent on acquiring material power, financial gain and long term security as well as how one's social standing can provide all of these. Certainly this period of  time heralds a more secure period in your life where you are able to create material foundations that will ensure your comfort and stability and you will have some peace of mind where perhaps uncertainty reigned before. There is hard work and dedication that you have focused on to get you to this place, and perhaps you have also made sacrifices to ensure and secure your position as it is now. But along with this comes a certain degree of unease and fear of losing what you have built up so diligently. This may cause you to cling to behaviours that really serve to stop your growth - life is risk, and when fear stops us from taking even the smallest risks there is stagnation and eventually boredom. There is also a danger of putting too much emphasis on material concerns, and neglecting important matters such as relationships with others and finding joy in your everyday life. The energy of this card is fixed and quite serious and so it warns against being too caught up in acquisition of power and status, since the equally important aspects of a balanced life...
Four of Pentacles

Four of Pentacles

Known also as the Lord of Earthly Power, and aligned with the Sun in Capricorn, the Four of Pentacles represents power and manifestation. The Sun is the centre of the ego, and in earthy Capricorn it bestows material confidence, responsibility and resourcefulness. It is also concerned with knowing your limits, and setting appropriate boundaries which are the road to your success in material concerns. It can also warn against being too guarded with your resources - to keep the energies flowing with your material resources, then you need to appreciate that what you want to increase has to be allowed to flow through you, and not be hoarded. With that in mind, this time is a time of financial increase and a promise of future comfort and improved material circumstances. This card advises you to be a good custodian of resources, and to ensure they grow to ensure your future comfort. T raditionally this card can indicate a promotion at work or consolidation of a career move that results in more income over time - it is not a momentous increase but you can expect a degree of security which helps you in terms of long range planning. In terms of health, this card warns against too much rigidity and clinging on to what you perceive as security, because this rigidity does not allow life to flow - when life does not flow as it is meant to, then there is a termination of the ability to learn by experience, and whatever in nature does not grow will atrophy and eventually cease to be. Therefore be aware of a...