Justice – VIII

Justice – VIII

The Justice card is also known as the Daughter of Lords of Truth and the Ruler of the Balance.It is ruled by Libra which represents fairness, cause and effect and moving away from extremes. Libra, the Scales, brings the ability to balance between opposites to arrive at a centrepoint of fairness and calm. Justice is an ideal concept, the way our world would be if there was always a balanced and fair outcome to any conflict. So we strive for this ideal, and sometimes we get there. Often we don't as our emotions and our history and patterns come between rationality and putting things right. This card often shows up when you have been feeling out of balance, perhaps working too hard and not looking after your health, or neglecting your relationships in favour of a deadline. There may be a backlash as nature attempts to bring the pendulum back to the centre - if it has been swinging to one extreme it may have to swing to the opposite before it becalms. And then balance can be restored. There may have been injustices that you have suffered that are very personal to you, and if you feel the need to get even then this card will say to you that you need to take a few steps back and look at the situation without the colour of emotional judgement and reaction. It also brings favourable outcomes with contracts and other legal matters. If you are unable to be impartial in any of these situations, then you are advised to seek advice that is not biased but is able...
Justice – VIII

Justice – VIII

The Justice card is also referred to as the Daughter of Lords of Truth and Ruler of the Balance. It is ruled by Libra the Scales (so no surprises here) and calls for the need to weigh decisions or our way of showing up in the world - the need for balance between spiritual, emotional and intellectual concerns. Often represented by the Egyptian Goddess Maat, who was tasked with weighing the souls of the dead against a feather to determine their truthfulness and worthiness to pass into the Underworld, this card represents duality and the fine acuity needed to make choices in life that are congruent with our essential nature. When this card is drawn to determine one's life purpose, it would indicate that somehow we are challenged to find a balance or midpoint between extremes, where we may feel torn between opposite ways of being and doing. There is a question of fairness, and what is right contrasted against what we feel would serve us and provide us an advantage. Sometimes the easy choice is not the right one, and from our moral training we know this, but still we are torn between the easy road and what we have been taught is right. Which side will win? The Justice card can refer to the legal profession, the cold clarity and detachment required to make an unbiased decision. But this attitude can cause a conflict in one's life, because as humans we are flesh and blood and not designed to be impartial. We are passionate, flawed and prone to errors. So there is also a need for balance within Justice...
Judgement – XX

Judgement – XX

The Judgement card is ruled by Pluto and known as the Spirit of the Primal Fire and aligned with the Element of Fire. It represents new directions, rebirth and redemption. Pluto is the ruler of the Underworld, and symbolically represents the treasures buried in the deep unconscious. This would signify that there are gifts that are buried deep within that we are unaware of, but which we have the opportunity to bring to the surface and to benefit from. Transformation is another term for renewal, and it tells us that the tale is never told, it is never over and we always have a chance to turn things around. It takes a willing heart, a dedication to do the work and courage to look at our deepest desires and drives. The Judgement card is a really positive card and tells you that if you just trust your own judgement, coming from a place of your Soul rather than your Ego, that you will always make the right decision. This is not something that you should rush - take the time to notice those times in your life when you seemed to be connected to an energy that is affirming and things just work for you. Judgement is about reaping the rewards of what we have put into our life. If we have been focused, diligent and connected to our vision, then this card comes along to affirm that the rewards are coming. If we haven't been quite so consistent, then all is not lost, still. We get a second chance to start again, from a wider viewpoint. This card can...
Judgement – XX

Judgement – XX

Known also as the Spirit of the Primal Fire and ruled by the Element of Fire, the card of Judgement represents good judgement in personal and interpersonal areas of life. It also refers to the human habit of judgement, which brings in discernment but also prejudices, which you need to understand and release in order to move forward. Traditionally this card represents reaping what is sown, getting the benefit or detriment of what you put out into the world, or as my grandmother would have put it, having one's chickens come home to roost. What you put out in the world, in word and deed, will come back to you for good or for ill. And so this is really a card of understanding cause and effect - what actions we take in the world, how we treat others, how we treat even ourselves, all have a result that is demonstrated to us by what we see come to us or leave us. The card of Judgement sounds rather harsh, and yet it brings with it a renewal, a chance to make things work after struggling and striving to no purpose. The fact that you have been efforting and doing the best despite discouraging circumstances is, in the final analysis, what matters. Life is experienced as striving to improve our situation, whether it is in love, family, work, finances, friendship - often there is one of these that are the thorn in our side. This card comes to you now to acknowledge your efforts, your struggles, yes, even your disappointments, and it says "I see you, I see what you have...
Death – XIII

Death – XIII

Arguably the least welcomed card in the whole Tarot, the card of Death is also known as Child of the Great Transformers and Lord of the Gate of Death. It is ruled by Scorpio and represents deep psychological transformation, life-changing turnarounds, and growth. Many people still think the Death card refers to something dreadful in the future, but it is not so. This card is one of the mysteries, and refers to the death of some attitude, belief or way of living that has kept you stuck and living a half life. When the Death card comes along for my clients, I get a little excited because I know they now have the opportunity now to drop their old patterns and prejudices and start to really live! This is a card of change and transformation, and many believe that change is and has to be painful. But you know, change can happen in an instant, it doesn't have to be painful but it does start with a decision, and that may be painful in itself. The decision to let go of the familiar, comfortable and safe parts of life that deliver a feeling of safety, yes, and security too, but they also fool us into thinking that this is as good as life gets and we don't want to rock the boat in case it all disappears. But the thing is, by finding out what really matters to you on a deep level and then deciding to bring that into your life, it will and does transform your existence, and along with that is an increase in energy, focus...
Death – XIII

Death – XIII

Known also as the Lord of the Gate of Death and Child of the Great Transformers, the Death card is ruled by Scorpio, and so represents transformation and regeneration. It is a serious card, yes, and yet for all that it is still a really positive omen. It brings a new way of being, a rejuvenation of what has become stale and no longer pleasant. Everything in nature must change, must grow, in order to survive and we are no different. Constant growth, improvement, change and flow make the world go around and should be embraced rather than feared. Relationships or other situations that have passed their use-by date will now pass out of your experience. This is not without discomfort or even emotional pain. Most people cling to what they know, rather than face the unknown, even though the unknown may bring freedom and happiness. It's in our nature. So this card comes along now to tell you that you are ready to make the shift - the time is right and you will rejoice at the end of it. The time has come for you where you will awaken as if from a dream, and realise that there are other possibilities for you that you could not see before, even though they may have been right in front of your nose. This reflects the deep unconscious changes that have begun some time ago but are only now rising to the surface of your awareness. So this time is for you to learn the art of letting go, and evolving your experience into a better life and a higher...