Eight of Wands

Eight of Wands

Known as the Lord of Swiftness, the Eight of Wands is also aligned with Mercury in Sagittarius, and represents clear and direct communications, especially after a time of miscommunications and dramas. Mercury is the messenger and Sagittarius is the truth-teller, so this combination results in the dissolving of misunderstandings caused by muddy communications. When this card appears for you, it is time to put your skates on, as events are about to take on a speed and urgency that will make your head spin. You may have found that all sorts of hindrances were blocking your progress recently (and with Mercury Retrograde prevailing recently, I can quite see why!) and so that is all about to change. Letters, contracts, travel plans, and anything else that has been delayed are now given the green light, so make sure you are prepared because news will be landing on your doorstep very soon. This is an opportune time to declare yourself and what you stand for. No more pussy-footing around and trying to protect the feelings of others, it has caused more trouble than it's worth and the truth will out in the end. Be prepared to do some explaining but do not back down. Be honest and direct and the outcome will be well worth the trouble. It is safe to be open-hearted with those who matter - they will appreciate knowing where they stand. If you have a creative project that has been delayed, whether by bureaucratic red tape or your own procrastination, then the period ahead is going to be like a breath of fresh air to you. You...
Eight of Swords

Eight of Swords

The Eight of Swords is the Lord of Shortened Force and is aligned with Jupiter in Gemini. It represents scattered energy and focus, overthinking and inability to make a decision.When the Eight of Swords turns up in a reading, it brings an element of confusion, self-doubt and the erroneous belief that there is no way out. You will feel trapped, powerless and somewhat frustrated in your efforts. Jupiter is about expansion, and placed in Gemini means that there are important choices to be made that will lead to growth  which will take some effort and time, since when presented with two equal choices, the twin devils of doubt and indecisiveness step in and halt any progress you might have made. Look at the card - the woman is trapped in a spiderweb surrounded by eight swords all pointing towards her. But she is blindfolded and the blindfold is of her own making. Do the swords threaten or offer a way to cut the web that binds? The woman doesn't know, she just perceives a threat and is in a state of fear. This is very much what the swords suit is all about - we always have a choice in which direction we direct our thoughts, and the meanings that we make out of circumstances. On the surface this card looks very menacing, but if she would remove the blindfold from her eyes she would soon see a way out of this dilemma. The Eight of Swords indicates that the woman is unable to make a choice and therefore is hindered or blocked in her progress. The thing is,...
Eight of Pentacles

Eight of Pentacles

The Eight of Pentacles is aligned with the Sun in Virgo and represents practical wisdom, organisation and carefulness, and is also known as the Lord of Prudence. The Sun is the life force and placed in Virgo it bestows a steadiness, and willingness to patiently and lovingly work towards one's goals. This card represents balance, and it is a mature balance that has come after hard work and care. There has been time spent on skills and knowledge that has built a solid foundation that sets you up for a comfortable future. This card tells you there is no easy road to riches, however by the diligent and faithful willingness to develop your skills and put in the work, then you will reap the rewards. There has been a long slow awakening of your potential and what this brings to enrich your life will soon become apparent. A lot has been going on under the surface and while you may have felt frustrated in the past with an apparent lack of progress in your life, there has been much developing and growing on an inner level. Dreams may be instructive or disturbing, or full of activity, while the outer life has been plodding away and lacking in excitement. Don't be fooled by this as there are many rewards that are being set up for you in your future. A card that calls for faith and ultimate patience, there may be an element of boredom or a lack of excitement in your life, but while its influence lasts it is certain that good things will come to you from this...
Eight of Pentacles

Eight of Pentacles

Known also as the Lord of Prudence, and aligned with the Sun in Virgo, the Eight of Pentacles represents wisdom, care and flowering internal and external richness. This card refers to the beginning of an undertaking, one that requires a delicate touch and a lot of nurturing for it to come to fruition. When one begins a new enterprise, it is important to keep the details to yourself and not tell all and sundry about what you will do and how wonderful it will be. This is a dissipation of the delicate energy of creation which needs protection and not the opinions and doubts of others to crush it. Wait until the idea has solidified on the physical plane before spreading it's seed around. As this card is an Eight, it is the higher octave of the foundational Four, which gives stability and success. So at this stage, the creation is a higher vibration, and more delicate in its conception and execution. It is the card of the apprentice, who is learning a new skill and must practice to refine it. It is an ability that has been discovered and needs development. Often this comes later in life, when it may come as a surprise to have discovered a new interest. An opportunity to expand and increase your skills is possible now, bringing the opportunity for practical gain. After a period of confusion and disillusionment, there is now such clarity and purpose that you are keen to get moving on a project that has opened up for you. You have ideas and enthusiasm to create and grow. An opportunity for...
Death – XIII

Death – XIII

Arguably the least welcomed card in the whole Tarot, the card of Death is also known as Child of the Great Transformers and Lord of the Gate of Death. It is ruled by Scorpio and represents deep psychological transformation, life-changing turnarounds, and growth. Many people still think the Death card refers to something dreadful in the future, but it is not so. This card is one of the mysteries, and refers to the death of some attitude, belief or way of living that has kept you stuck and living a half life. When the Death card comes along for my clients, I get a little excited because I know they now have the opportunity now to drop their old patterns and prejudices and start to really live! This is a card of change and transformation, and many believe that change is and has to be painful. But you know, change can happen in an instant, it doesn't have to be painful but it does start with a decision, and that may be painful in itself. The decision to let go of the familiar, comfortable and safe parts of life that deliver a feeling of safety, yes, and security too, but they also fool us into thinking that this is as good as life gets and we don't want to rock the boat in case it all disappears. But the thing is, by finding out what really matters to you on a deep level and then deciding to bring that into your life, it will and does transform your existence, and along with that is an increase in energy, focus...
Death – XIII

Death – XIII

Known also as the Lord of the Gate of Death and Child of the Great Transformers, the Death card is ruled by Scorpio, and so represents transformation and regeneration. It is a serious card, yes, and yet for all that it is still a really positive omen. It brings a new way of being, a rejuvenation of what has become stale and no longer pleasant. Everything in nature must change, must grow, in order to survive and we are no different. Constant growth, improvement, change and flow make the world go around and should be embraced rather than feared. Relationships or other situations that have passed their use-by date will now pass out of your experience. This is not without discomfort or even emotional pain. Most people cling to what they know, rather than face the unknown, even though the unknown may bring freedom and happiness. It's in our nature. So this card comes along now to tell you that you are ready to make the shift - the time is right and you will rejoice at the end of it. The time has come for you where you will awaken as if from a dream, and realise that there are other possibilities for you that you could not see before, even though they may have been right in front of your nose. This reflects the deep unconscious changes that have begun some time ago but are only now rising to the surface of your awareness. So this time is for you to learn the art of letting go, and evolving your experience into a better life and a higher...